What is diabetes?

What is diabetes?

November is American Diabetes Month, an ideal time to take a deeper dive into the disease we hear so much about. Approximately 30.3 million Americans have diabetes—that’s about 9.4% of the population. With so many people impacted by this disease,

How To Meditate…

How To Meditate…

How To Meditate To Enhance Wellbeing Meditation is a complementary health practice—meaning it’s a self-care practice that has benefits when practiced in conjunction with your doctor’s recommendations. Meditation has multiple benefits for both your physical and mental health: It can

Do You Meditate?

Do You Meditate?

Why You Should Give It a Try. Meditation has earned its spot as a buzzword in modern society—though it’s a practice that originated about 5,000 years ago. You may associate meditation with spiritual traditions including Buddhism and Hinduism, but this